Tuesday, February 1, 2011
CR 48 update... long, rambling read, sorry!
Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Safety Notice is Hilarious! I loved it. You probably think I'm nuts, "the paper that's full of legal jargon, like don't blow this up or use it in unintended ways? really?", yes, it was funny. They filled it will little quips and funnies, such as the line below:

Sunday, December 5, 2010
New blogging/FB post tools!
Well, my blogging frequency really hasn’t improved… that’s ok, uhm, I guess. However, one thing that really bugs me is the whole paradigm of getting my posts onto Facebook. To put it short and sweet: Facebook blog imports are terrible. If I post something here, good luck reading about it in 2 DAYS on my Facebook page. Seriously, it takes FOREVER to update with Facebook.
In more recent news, I tried to help my wife import her blog to her profile. No can do. The stupid tool just errors out, so I tried googling the error, and found users all over the place having the same issue at different points in time. So, I looked around for alternatives. One application often mentioned was RSS Graffiti, so I checked it out. It has lots of options, can post to your profile, any of your pages, and even events, simultaneously! It can also be set to check for updates MUCH more often (yeah, laugh it up, like it matters for my once-a-month posts). I set it up for here, and hereby declare that I will be setting it up for myself as well! Hopefully if I configured it correctly, this post will be my first using RSS Graffiti.
Finally, since this is a photography blog and all… I’ll leave you with a kind of humorous picture. This groomsman was THRILLED when a bridesmaid asked him to hold her bouquet! I think he kind of reflects my attitude towards Facebook and their inept blog post import system. Really Facebook, really!?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Well, 2 weeks is better than 2 months, haha.
Here is an ever so SLIGHTLY (stressed, slightly) photo related story:
Last weekend we were ALMOST on our way to photograph a wedding.. running a bit late, hopped into the truck.. threw it into reverse, put the hammer down and then….
I hit my wife’s car. No. I REALLY hit her car. Wow, a fullsize truck can sure do damage. I destroyed a headlight, the hood, the grill, and punctured the radiator (please don’t fine me for leaking coolant!). Then I looked at my truck.. oh yea, just a bent bumper and a little paint damage. Not wanting to be any later, I hopped back into the truck and away we went to the wedding. I was SO mad at myself. It took me about 10-15 miles on our trip before I started thinking rationally and making plans on how we might deal with this issue. I love Shawna. All the while she remained calm, listened to me and tried not to rake the coals.
By the time we got to the wedding venue, we were pretty much ready to joke about it. The bride and groom of this particular wedding were good friends, as well as many of the family and friends that attended the wedding, so we had a fun time relaying to story and joking about it with them.
I called to file a claim, my first ever, on Monday, and my insurance company has been great about it. We’re still working through the details, but right now it looks like I might have done so much damage to the car that it could be totaled. Wow.
So. Yeah. That’s what everyone will be making fun of me for, for the foreseeable future. Enjoy.
How about a set of entirely unrelated pictures? Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Long time, no talk
Well hello dear readers… uhm, all 1 of you.
So, it hasn’t been too hard to see that blogging isn’t exactly my forte’.
No worries, I’m trying to get back on the bandwagon, and I’ve got loads of photos from the past, erm, year to show! So, kick back, relax, and check back every once in a while for some new photos!
I love this photo, and I think it is probably the best from a camping trip I had with friends a few weeks ago at Ricketts Glen State Park. I’ll post a few more later!
Monday, May 31, 2010
After a long siesta…
It’s Memorial Day weekend! I’ve been a little negligent on the interwebs lately, but I’ll be getting back into it soon.
This weekend my wife made baklava with one of her friends, and it sure was fantastic!
We also made some big waffles and dressed them up with some of the leftover walnuts, whipped cream, and strawberries. Yum!
I also got a chance to refurbish an old door into a sort of dressing vanity for Shawna. I’m pretty sure I could’ve bought a brand new door for the 5 or 6 trips I took to the hardware store, but it’s all but done now and I’ve gotta say, it looks pretty good!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Holy Summer!
Talk about one extreme to the next! I was literally driving in sleet and icy slush on TUESDAY and today Central PA was probably near or above 80 degrees! So today I have a picture of some crocuses and a little bee starting his spring pollination!
The world is coming back to life after the dead, cold winter. Rather fitting weather for the Easter weekend!
As always, thanks for stopping by!