Monday, May 31, 2010

After a long siesta…

It’s Memorial Day weekend!  I’ve been a little negligent on the interwebs lately, but I’ll be getting back into it soon. 

This weekend my wife made baklava with one of her friends, and it sure was fantastic!

We also made some big waffles and dressed them up with some of the leftover walnuts, whipped cream, and strawberries.  Yum!

I also got a chance to refurbish an old door into a sort of dressing vanity for Shawna.  I’m pretty sure I could’ve bought a brand new door for the 5 or 6 trips I took to the hardware store, but it’s all but done now and I’ve gotta say, it looks pretty good!


  1. So how much of the food was a bribe for getting the vanity door nearly finished?

  2. Haha, interestingly enough, none of it. I took the door project on myself. I happened upon the door when I was helping a friend renovate some parts of his house, he was throwing it out and I had read about this project on the internet.

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