Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some Summer Pictures…

Well, since most of the northeast is still buried under the snow, and since the roads were getting a bit dicey on my way home tonight, I’m posting some pictures from the past summer.

The first, my ole’ college roommate Mark. I’m not sure if he even knows what he’s sitting on (it’s called a tractor bud). But, this was his ‘pensive/thinking’ pose. I’d say he makes for a good gentleman farmer!

The second, just a nice, not really macro shot of a lily. Shawna’s great grandmother has quite a knack for flowers, and this was a gift she gave us this past summer.

Finally, the third is from the good ole’ Perry County Fair. I’m not sure if the man who invented theme park rides “on wheels” deserves a medal or an OSHA investigation, but I thought it made a decent picture.

So my friends, it’s nearly Thursday, which is nearly Friday… which is nearly always a good thing!


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