Ok, so this is the picture I said yesterday that I really liked. This image came out of being sort of like a controlled camera-toss. Some of my friends from college might remember my camera tossing ‘incident’. Haha. Wow. Bad idea, for sure. I had just read about a technique to get some surreal images with the camera by essentially throwing the camera in the air as the shutter is pressed. Well, looking at the results from the article, I decided I HAD to try this. So, being careful, I grabbed my laundry basket with dirty clothes to catch the camera if I missed. I took about 20 pictures, and got a few really cool ones (which I’ll have to dig up and show here next week). I stopped shooting for the day. The next day, after showing a friend the pictures, they refused to believe they came from the camera. So I insisted on showing them. “Yeah, it’s safe, I did this like 20 times yesterday and nothing bad happened..” I insisted. In my first demonstration toss to them, the camera went up, came down, and as I caught it kind of roughly it landed with a ‘SNAP’. Looking down at the display on my camera, it read ‘ERR’ and the camera would not take pictures. Whoopsie! Well, I eventually got the camera fixed by Nikon, and my mom is still using it to this day. You’re a trooper little Nikon D50!
So this time, with my considerably more expensive D300, I held my camera out the window while my wife was driving 70 mph down the highway near the end of sunset. I just rotated the camera in my hand as I took a little longer exposure. So much better right?
Well, I’m a little wacko, but I really liked how this turned out. I even posted it XL here for you to enjoy!