Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Quick Catch Up

Well, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks.  My wife and I have been quite busy, travelling back and forth, and attending to *stuff*.  Sorry to those who hate that terribly ambiguous word –stuff – I not the biggest fan either, but sometimes it’s just fitting.  We’ve just had our heads and lives wrapped around a myriad of different things and quite frankly at the moment my brain can barely remember any details. 

This past weekend our house looked like a train wreck, but thankfully we worked together to rein it in and clean up.  Shawna was excited to see all of the birds that started gathering around her feeders this weekend.  We didn’t get pictures of every bird, and what we did get wasn’t fantastic, but I really needed to take some pictures.  So below are three shots from the day, taken from our kitchen windows since rain is bad juju for cameras.

Also, how about this great weather we’ve been getting?  Sure, the weekend was a bit dreary, but we’re slated to have some pretty nice weather for the next few days. 

I’m gearing up for a fantastic wedding season and am very excited to continue growing in this area! Please pass the word onto anyone you know looking for a wedding photographer!


  1. Woodpeckers love Suet Feeders.. we have a couple at home and they are a hit with the local birds

  2. Yeah, we have a pair that have been hitting that suet pretty hard!
